Pincode Finder

About Pincode in India

Because India is a big country, it is nearly impossible to recall the Pincode of any specific area within a city/town/village or to locate a location using its Pincode.

We bring to you our Pincode search engine to assist you in locating a Pincode or location. You may now quickly search for a certain area's Pincode as well as the address of any location in India using its Pincode. All of this is just a click away.

Our goal with this area is to meet the needs of individuals and organisations looking for Pincodes or addresses of localities across India. We have a location in the isolated highlands of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the deserts of Rajasthan.

What is PIN(Postal Index Number)

PIN code or a Postal Index Number which we generally see at the end of any address in India is a six-digit numeric code in the Indian Postal system. India is such as vast country having so many villages, towns, and cities that finding the right person or place can be a bit challenging for the Postal Service of India. Thus, to make the process of delivering parcels or letters more effective, the India Post has introduced the six-digit PIN code number.

The Indian Postal Service has come up with nine particular PIN regions across India, out of which eight are geographical regions and the ninth region is reserved for the Indian Army.

History of PIN Codes

The PIN Code was introduced on 15 August 1972 by the then Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Communications, Shriram Bhikaji. The new system was felt important to simplify the process of sorting and delivering the mails manually. This is because different languages and similar names and addresses created a lot of confusion. Thus, there should be a standard procedure that helps in simplifying the process. This way, PIN Codes were introduced to identify states, districts, and cities.

Structure of Pin Code

There are nine postal zones in India which include eight geographical regions and the ninth zone is for the Indian Army. The first digit of a PIN code designates the zone, the second digit is a subzone, the third digit implies the sorting district within that region, and the last three digits indicate the specific post office within that district.

India is divided into nine postal zones, including eight geographical regions and a separate zone for the Indian Army. The first digit of a PIN code designates the zone, the second digit is a subzone, the third digit implies the sorting district within that region, and the last three digits indicate the specific post office within that district.

Post Office Zones

State-Wise First Digits of PIN Codes

First Two Digits of PIN Circle
11 Delhi
12, 13 Haryana
14 - 16 Punjab
17 Himachal Pradesh
18 - 19 Jammu & Kashmir
20 - 28 Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh
30 - 34 Rajasthan
36 - 39 Gujarat
40 - 44 Maharashtra
45 - 49 Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh
50 - 53 Telangana, Andhra Pradesh
56 - 59 Karnataka
60 - 64 Tamil Nadu
67 - 69 Kerala
70 - 74 West Bengal
75 - 77 Orissa
78 Assam
79 North Eastern
80 - 85 Jharkhand, Bihar
90 - 99 Army Postal Service (APS)