Aadhar Card and its Significance: India’s Biometric Revolution

India, which has a population of over a billion, presents particular difficulties in terms of government and service provision. This is where Aadhar Card comes in, a trailblazing program that exemplifies India's creative approach to tackling its population concerns. Millions of people have been affected by this tiny card, which has sped up innumerable procedures. However, what precisely is an Aadhar Card, and why is it so important?

What is Aadhar Card?

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) assigns inhabitants of India a 12-digit identification number called Aadhar, which translates to "foundation" in English. The biometric information on Aadhar, which includes a person's fingerprint and iris scan, sets it apart from conventional identity cards. This means that there is no chance of fraud or copying because each Aadhar number is absolutely unique.

The Significance of Aadhar Card:
  1. Universal Identity Card: Aadhar serves as a proof of identity and address, anywhere in India. This simplifies processes, whether it’s opening a bank account, renting a house, or getting a new phone connection.
  2. Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT): Aadhar has streamlined subsidy transfers for various government schemes. Funds are directly transferred to beneficiaries, reducing corruption and ensuring that benefits reach the right hands.
  3. Financial Inclusion: For millions of Indians without access to banking, Aadhar is a game-changer. By providing a reliable identification method, it encourages banks to serve rural and remote areas, thus promoting financial inclusion.
  4. Secure Digital Transactions: Aadhar-linked payment systems facilitate cashless transactions, reducing dependency on physical money and promoting a digital economy.
  5. Healthcare: With Aadhar, health records can be unified and digitalized, making medical histories accessible to any registered health provider across the country.
  6. Empowerment: For many, especially marginalized communities, Aadhar is the first formal proof of identity. This empowers them to assert their rights and access services that were previously unreachable.
  7. Reducing Redundancy: Earlier, individuals had to produce various documents to prove their identity. With Aadhar, one card does the job, simplifying bureaucratic processes.
  8. Enhanced Security: The biometric data ensures that the risk of identity theft is minimal. Furthermore, UIDAI has established strict protocols to protect this data, ensuring individual privacy.
How to Get Your Aadhar Card

Obtaining an Aadhar Card involves a step-by-step process that requires the individual to provide biometric and demographic data. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to get one's Aadhar Card:

  1. Locate an Aadhar Enrollment Center:
    • The first step is to find an Aadhar enrollment center near you. The UIDAI website has a feature that helps you find the nearest centers.
  2. Book an Appointment (Optional):
    • Some enrollment centers allow for online appointment bookings to avoid long queues, but this is optional.
  3. Prepare Necessary Documents:
    • You will need documents for proof of identity (PoI) and proof of address (PoA). Examples include a PAN card, passport, voter ID, driving license, etc.
  4. Visit the Enrollment Center:
    • Go to the enrollment center on the chosen date and time (if you've booked an appointment).
  5. Fill out the Enrollment Form:
    • You will be given an Aadhar enrollment form. Fill out all the required details.
  6. Submit Biometric and Demographic Data:
    • The following details will be taken:
      • Photograph: A passport-size photo is captured.
      • Fingerprints: All ten fingers' prints will be taken.
      • Iris Scan: Scans of both eyes.
  7. Collect the Acknowledgment Slip:
    • After all data has been submitted, you will receive an acknowledgment slip that contains a 14-digit enrollment number. This slip is essential as it helps you track the status of your application.
  8. Wait for Aadhar Generation:
    • The data provided will be verified by UIDAI. Once approved, the Aadhar number will be generated and sent via SMS to your registered mobile number.
  9. Receive Aadhar by Post:
    • After successful verification, the physical Aadhar card will be sent to your registered residential address by post. This might take a few weeks.
  10. Download e-Aadhar (Optional):
    • If you need the Aadhar card urgently, you can download an electronic version (e-Aadhar) from the official UIDAI website. For this, you would need the enrollment number or the Aadhar number (if you've received it by SMS).

Important Points:

Once you have the Aadhar Card, it's advisable to check all the details. If there's any discrepancy, you can apply for a correction or update through UIDAI's official channels.

How to Change the Address in Aadhar Card

Changing the address on your Aadhar Card is a straightforward process. If you've moved to a new location or if there's an error in your Aadhar Card's address, it's essential to get it updated to ensure it remains a valid proof of address. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to change the address on your Aadhar Card:

Online Method:
  1. Visit the UIDAI Official Website:
  2. Go to the "Update Aadhar" Section:
    • Click on the “Update your address online” option.
  3. Use Aadhar Number or VID:
    • Enter your 12-digit Aadhar number or VID (Virtual ID) and the security code. Click on 'Send OTP' or 'Enter a TOTP' if you have the myAadhaar app.
  4. Enter the OTP:
    • You'll receive an OTP on your registered mobile number. Enter this OTP to log in.
  5. Choose "Update Address":
    • Once logged in, click on the “Update Address” option.
  6. Provide New Address:
    • You can either:
      • Update Address via Address Proof: Enter your new address details and upload a valid Proof of Address (PoA) document.
      • Update Address via Address Validation Letter: If you don’t have a valid PoA, you can request an Address Validation Letter.
  7. Review and Submit:
    • Thoroughly check the new address details and make any corrections if necessary. Then, submit the request.
  8. Note URN (Update Request Number):
    • Once the address update request is submitted, you'll receive a URN. Keep this number safe as it will help you track the status of your address update request.
Offline Method:
  1. Locate an Aadhar Enrollment/Update Center:
    • Find the nearest center using the UIDAI website.
  2. Visit the Center:
    • No prior appointment is needed for updating the address.
  3. Fill out the Aadhar Update Form:
    • Provide your current Aadhar number and the new address details. Ensure that everything is written clearly.
  4. Provide PoA Documents:
    • Submit a valid proof of address. The document should be self-attested (signed by you).
  5. Biometrics:
    • Your fingerprints will be taken for authentication.
  6. Receive an Acknowledgment Slip:
    • This slip contains the URN, which you can use to track the update's status.
  7. Await Confirmation:
    • The UIDAI will verify the details, and once approved, the updated Aadhar card will be sent to your address.

Important Points:

Impact of UIDAI

A legal entity known as the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) was created in accordance with the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits, and Services) Act, 2016 (the "Aadhaar Act 2016"). It is managed by the Government of India's Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). Aadhaar, India's national program for unique identification, is implemented and managed by UIDAI.

Core Functions and Responsibilities of UIDAI:
  1. Aadhaar Enrollment and Updation:
    • Oversee the enrollment process for residents to obtain Aadhaar numbers.
    • Ensure the setting up and management of Aadhaar enrollment centers across India.
    • Facilitate updating and correction of Aadhaar details for residents.
  2. Aadhaar Number Generation:
    • Process collected demographic and biometric information.
    • Generate a unique Aadhaar number for each resident after data verification.
  3. Aadhaar Authentication and Verification:
    • Provide online authentication of Aadhaar holders using their demographic and/or biometric data.
    • Ensure that the authentication history of individuals is accessible to them, allowing transparency in the system.
  4. Data Security and Privacy:
    • Safeguard the stored Aadhaar data, ensuring that it remains protected against unauthorized access and breaches.
    • Implement security protocols and standards to protect individual's privacy.
A Few Concerns:

Aadhar has been criticized to some extent, just like any significant endeavor. It has been brought up to worry about privacy, possible data misuse, and technological hiccups. However, the government and UIDAI have been proactive in resolving these shortcomings, continuously improving the system and putting more effective safeguards in place.


The Aadhar Card is more than simply an ID. It symbolizes India's desire to use technology to improve governance while maintaining effectiveness, transparency, and inclusion. The Aadhar initiative is a brilliant example of cutting-edge responses to age-old problems as India continues on its path to becoming a global superpower. Understanding and appreciating the significance of Aadhar as citizens guarantees that we can maximize its advantages while being aware of and on guard against any potential drawbacks.

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By Varsha